Rad & Dot Net - Digital Warrior

Assorted ramblings (and vents!!) from a techie on the sunny shores of Kenya, East Africa

Sunday, January 02, 2005

More on Dictionaries

And more on that note, it cannot be too much of an effort for someone to sit down, collate a list of the most known of Kenya's cities (Nairobi, Nakuru, Mombasa), some key personalities (Kenyatta, Koinange, Kimathi), some landmarks (Tsavo, Mara), a date format of d MM yyyy, a currency symbol of Kshs, throw in most of the UK dictionary and bits of the US (our English is mostly the Queen's English) and package the lot as English (Kenya).

This way we can stop being patronized by being forced to choose between English (UK) and English (US) and having to spend most of our time removing dollar and pound signs and being forced to write extra code to format currencies and dates!


  • At 1:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hear hear hear hear! Got the nail on the head right there brother!


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