Rad & Dot Net - Digital Warrior

Assorted ramblings (and vents!!) from a techie on the sunny shores of Kenya, East Africa

Thursday, March 23, 2006


I'm a HUGE Monad fan. In fact in many ways its better than bash, cash, dash and all those other ash shells.

Why? Because I can access full objects from the command line and not just strings.

This means I can tie together the file system, .NET, and the internet beautifully.

I mean, I can even get my PC BIOS info from command line!

get-WMIObject win32_BIOS

SMBIOSBIOSVersion : R01-C1
Manufacturer : Phoenix Technologies, LTD
Name : )Phoenix - Award WorkstationBIOS v6.00PG
SerialNumber : PSPSTD643434602408W
Version : AWARD - 42302e31

I can even start Internet explorer

$ie = new-object -com "InternetExplorer.Application"

Is that cool or what?

Though a question begs to be asked -- instead of coming up with a whole new language why not use an idle one like JScript.NET?

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


If you have the money get yourself an MSDN subscription!

Got a large parcel from Microsoft -- all the technical resources you can think of are included -- MSDN, development tools, operating systems, sdks, servers (some of which I have never even heard of), webcasts ....
