Rad & Dot Net - Digital Warrior

Assorted ramblings (and vents!!) from a techie on the sunny shores of Kenya, East Africa

Wednesday, May 11, 2005


Like I said before, graphing in .NET is much tricker than it sounds. You need to:
  • Find out the largerst and smallest values in order to draw the axes
  • Adjust your thinking from a 0,0 in the bottom left to one on the top left
  • Plot the axes
  • Cater for positive and negative values while doing this

  • Plot the axis labels
  • Establish what is being plotted against what
  • Calculate the points to draw the lines/rectangles for the charts
  • Draw the lines and graphs
  • Where appropriate, convert the lines to splines
  • Measure the width of the strings labelig the axis (if text or date) and rotate to fit on the axes
  • Plot the major and minor gridlines
  • Render the data points
  • Render the labels

So far so good. I've cracked then all apart from rendering the axis labels. Here is a very rough sample or my preliminary work

Here is another sample with spaces between the bars

Here is a version with overlapping bars. Notice i've implemented transparency


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